I just stumbled upon something so rad: the LightScraper by interactive designers based in Melbourne, Australia (ENESS). The LightScraper is a custom built aluminium structure, fabricated with a layer or semi translucent mesh. The structure can be easily erected in various compositions in an outdoor or indoor setting. A single computer and two projectors are use to bring the sculptures visuals to life. The LightScraper also acts as a giant musical instrument, people’s location influence the melodies emitting from the sculpture. Visitor's position is tracked via an infrared camera mounted at the peak of the structure, and transposed into musical notes, the result is ever-changing melodies and visual delight.
The LightScraper was just at the Rainbow Serpent Festival in Beaufort, Victoria (Australia) and will be going to the Melbourne Docklands Ignite Festival. 30st May - 14th June 2009 day(no light) night(it's bright) at New Quay Promenade.
Take a look at these beautiful interactive sculptures below. I want one in my backyard ...

pictures and video from ENESS website