Double soy latte and croissant in hand on a regular foggy San Francisco Sunday morning last December, I took two chairs, which I made and mosaicked in broken mirror, to the Marina Green park next to Chrissy Field. I placed the chairs back to back in the middle of the park and enjoyed a lovely picnic on the grass with some friends as I watched runners, bikers, walkers, drivers, and dogs look in awe and curiosity at my chairs.
They really sparkled once the sun set and looked beautiful with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. The photographs from the evening didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but what a beautiful sunset!
Once the adorable 8-year olds' soccer practice and twenty-somethings football buddies arrived, they all respected the chairs as art and kindly asked if they would be in the way or could move the chairs so they wouldn't hit them. However, unfortunately, the "reflective" chairs only lasted a mere 24 hours: the next afternoon when I returned to check on them they had disappeared.
If you see some rad mirror chairs in someone's living room...or in the dumpster for that matter, let me know.
Baked goods for reward. (And nobody told you, but I can make a mean chocolate chip cookie).