I was talking to my best friend earlier, who resides in Brooklyn, and it made me miss my days in NY when I used to take the China Town bus from Boston down to the city on a regular biweekly basis. Last time I was out there just recently I went to the New Museum for the first time, which is, in fact, the newest museum in the city, and definitely worth a visit. The New Museum is a must-see for several reasons. Among them: the architecture, Ugo Rondinone's rainbow "Hell Yes!" sign (how edgy, how controversial, how... New York), and, of course, the much talked about Younger Than Jesus exhibition (which is great!). I recommend this as a late afternoon museum trip, so that you can hit some of the shows in LES's (that would be Lower East Side for those unfamiliar with acronyms) up-and-coming gallery scene (Subverted Genres at Sue Scott Gallery and Hernan Bas at Lehmann Maupin are personal favorites) before you head to Freeman's to eventually dine (a lovely cozy spot at the end of Freeman alley between the bowery and chrystie). If you have to wait, make it easier with a 'Mexican Firing Squad' cocktail at the bar...the tequila will help you forget about your sore feet...