
07 November 2009

can you carve a turkey?

Thanksgiving is around the corner...and can you carve a turkey?! 
A real man will resist the temptation and at least attempt to take charge himself. BUT just in case he might not be familiar with carving the turkey in a way which will reallllly preserve the flavour and texture of meat after hours of anticipation and preparation ... maybe you should look into this fun book I found, How to Carve a Turkey and 99 other skills every man should know, which will help with tackling every everyday task (and we don’t mean taking out the garbage), occasional duties, and whatever emergency the world throws at him, mastering these 100 essential skills will impress friends and family, and could possibly save a life. Written in a witty, yet authoritative tone, here are step-by-step instructions on how to escape a sinking car, rewire a lamp, kick-start a motorcycle, pitch a tent, open a bottle of champagne, move heavy stuff, remove a tick, hang a flat screen TV, carve a turkey and so much more. This book would make a fun gift!

And just so we all far as carving goes...
1. choose a sharp, thin-bladed carving knife.  running your knife along the bottom of the turkey, find the places where the thighbones meet the body.
2. slip your knife into the joint to separate thigh from body on each side.
3. separate the drumstick from the thigh using the same technique (cut through the joint, not the bone, wiggling the drumstick to locate the joint)
4. running your knife along the bone, separate the meat from the thigh and drumstick, try to get as much as possible in one piece
5. cut thigh and leg meat into thin slices
6. use your knife to find where the wings and body connect, slip your knife into the joint to separate wings from body on each side.
7. carve thin slices off one side of the breast, cutting parallel of the breast.
8. repeat with the other side of the breast.
note: this is the kitchen method, there is also the traditional method which 

-if you are carving soon after roasting, cover the turkey with foil and let it stand for 15 minutes first
-cut dark meat before light meat, as it will stay moist longer


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