Let me present to you, ladies and gentlemen (future water warriors), the Samurai Umbrella. It is available online and will guarantee keeping you dry and suggest to passersby that yes, they type of heat you pack is in fact of the sword variety.
In a city where any number of crazy, unhinged characters are walking around with bags and trench coats concealing all manner of smart-phones and weaponry, you'll be taking the high road: you umbrella merely resembles a sword! You'll set out in the morning with it slung over your shoulder, bandolier-style, a sheathed enigma of questionable purpose. As you charge forward toward your impending merger discussion, you'll strike fear into the hearts of villains (and small children), prompt attention from customer service representatives and you lads may compel admiring glances from damsels in distress. This, again, is because they think you have a sword...
As a note of caution, I don't suggest you actually put your brolly (as we call it in England) to nefarious uses -- this is London afterall and sometimes the other guy really does have a sword...
But let's see him stay dry with that! HA!